G for Guilt & Gains & Losses

G is for Guilt over spending so much time away from family.  Not bringing in the same income you may have before, especially during the start-up stage.

I am sure this is very real for most of us just starting out or trying to grow our businesses. 

At this time of year it can become even worse.Not having the money to buy xmas presents as we would have in the past or the time to enjoy the shopping (although I hate shopping!)

Having to turn down invitations to parties and weekend outings due to VAT return deadlines or new client catch-up work that has to be finished.

Not having the energy to enjoy these parties because you had a 'light-bulb' moment at 2am which meant you couldn't get back to sleep - I know that's me at the moment!

How did you manage to cope with this?
Maybe the only guilt you feel is that you don't have to join the commuters every morning!

I am very lucky that my family are grown up and very supportive.

G in the Bookkeeping Glossary

Gains and losses: 

If you come across these terms they usually refer to to foreign currency transactions. 
The fluctuation of exchange rates between the time a payment is made and when the bank converts the currency may result in a gain or loss.
Gross profit: A business’ total revenue minus the cost of sales.

That's my Blog for this time - I hope you found it helpful to know we all feel some guilt when running a business but hopefully we also have enormous pride in what we achieve.

Merry Xmas everyone and see you on the other side


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